Fort Collins and Greeley Behavioral and Mental Health

Helping youth, families, and adults in Larimer and Weld Counties with behavioral health, mental health, and substance use since 1967

Our Fort Collins & Greeley Mental Health & Coaching Services

Adolescent Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our 12-week program provides structured support with 6 hours of group therapy per week, held over two days. While individual and family therapy are encouraged, they are not required. Designed for youth ages 13-17, this program addresses both substance use and mental health concerns in a supportive and therapeutic setting. Groups are gender-specific, based on each participant’s self-identified gender.

Individual and Family Therapy

Our experienced and caring staff of counselors and therapists specialize in helping youth, families, and adults work through substance use issues, mental health issues, behavior concerns, family conflict, and many others.

Coaching and Family Services

In partnership with Larimer and Weld Counties, we offer one-on-one behavior and life skills coaching services for youth and their parents.

DUI and DWAI Classes

State-certified DWAI and DUI classes for alcohol education and therapy that uses the highly effective Colorado Impaired Driver Education Program (IDEP) curriculum. IDEP is accepted throughout Colorado by probation and the courts for all DWAI and DUI offenses.

Turning Point’s Mission:

Fostering meaningful connections, growth, and wellness through personalized services for individuals, families, and communities impacted by trauma, mental health, and substance use challenges.

Support Turning Point & Our Mental Health Programs

Make a Donation

Donate today to help struggling youth, adults, and families throughout Northern Colorado who are struggling with mental health, behavioral health, and substance use.